
Hi Ladies,

Please keep checking the Question and Answer sections to see my questions and view other persons answers.  Please answer or make comments  also.



Additional Notes for Module 3


comp. org.doc comp. org.doc
Size : 1882 Kb
Type : doc

types of computers.ppt types of computers.ppt
Size : 2213 Kb
Type : ppt

uploaded - January 9, 200

uploaded - January 9, 2009

uploaded - January 10, 2008

uploaded - January 13, 2009

uploaded - January 16, 2009

uploaded - January 20, 2008

uploaded - January 21, 2008

uploaded - February 4, 2009

uploaded- February 9, 2009

uploaded - February 9, 2009

uploaded - February 9, 2009


uploaded - February 9, 2009


uploaded - February 10, 2009

uploaded - March 9, 2009

uploaded - March 12, 2009

uploaded - March 14, 2009

uploaded - March 14, 2009

uploaded - March 14, 2009



 The following contents were covered in term 1:


logic gates1.ppt logic gates1.ppt
Size : 352 Kb
Type : ppt
 Lesson notes on Logic Gates
6th form example2.cpp 6th form example2.cpp
Size : 2 Kb
Type : cpp
 This is an example of how to implement a menu structured program with more than one functions.
while structure flowchart.doc while structure flowchart.doc
Size : 25 Kb
Type : doc
 A simple representation of looping in a flowchart.  It is not restricted while loop, should also be used to represent the for loop.
Intro to sort.doc Intro to sort.doc
Size : 564 Kb
Type : doc
 November 5, 2008 - Upper 6

This lesson was on an introduction(re) to arrays and finding out your concept of sorting the array.
 November 6, 2008 - Lower Six
CW -  lower6.doc CW - lower6.doc
Size : 875 Kb
Type : doc
 Class on November 6, 2008 - Lower Six
Nov 6 upper6.doc Nov 6 upper6.doc
Size : 1279 Kb
Type : doc
 Class on November 6, 2008 - Upper Six
Array Sort Classwork - 10.11.08.cpp Array Sort Classwork - 10.11.08.cpp
Size : 1 Kb
Type : cpp
 This is an answer to the programming question on Bubble Sort.  It is Lauren's answer typed in C.
Nov 11 - Lower 6.doc Nov 11 - Lower 6.doc
Size : 1262 Kb
Type : doc
 Class Discussion on a better implementation of a bubble sort
Bubble Sort [pop test]-13-nov-08.cpp Bubble Sort [pop test]-13-nov-08.cpp
Size : 1 Kb
Type : cpp
 Class Test for lower six on bubble sort; This is Carreen's answer to the question.
Size : 1134 Kb
Type : doc

 November 14, 2008

Class discussion on Insertion Sort in Upper six.  Remember to do the homework.


 November 14, 2008

Class discussion on iinsertion sort with lower six.  Remember to do your homework.

CD - Nov 18, 2008 Lower Six.doc CD - Nov 18, 2008 Lower Six.doc
Size : 156 Kb
Type : doc
 Class discussion on Insertion Sort.
Class Discussion.doc Class Discussion.doc
Size : 89 Kb
Type : doc

November 18. 2008 - Upper 6

Class Discussion on Insertion Sort.

worksheet array14.cpp worksheet array14.cpp
Size : 1 Kb
Type : cpp

 November 28,2008 - Lower 6

On the Arrays Worksheet, we lingered on ques 4.  We looked at how functions are manipulated and what happens when a function is called.  Each print showed where we were exactly in the code.

worksheet array14b.cpp worksheet array14b.cpp
Size : 1 Kb
Type : cpp

 November 28, 2008 - Lower Six

We looked at the question from another perspective, where the array to be filled was not global, but local to fill().  We looked at how to allow display to declare and define the function when accepting values within the parameters, as well as, how to call a function with variables within its parameters.

file processing 1.doc file processing 1.doc
Size : 53 Kb
Type : doc

Explanation on how files operate. 

files example.doc files example.doc
Size : 46 Kb
Type : doc

Example of how to write  and read from sequential files. 

Deleting from a file.doc Deleting from a file.doc
Size : 55 Kb
Type : doc

Explanation on deleting from a file. 

String Manipulation.doc String Manipulation.doc
Size : 35 Kb
Type : doc

Explanation on how string functions.  Exercises are included.

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