Wolmer’s Trust High School for Girls



Upper and Lower Six            Teacher:  Mrs. McCallum-Rodney


D-Flip Flop




·         When using NOR gates for the SR Latch:


o       there is no need for S=R=0 (i.e. memory) because if you remove the clock, the memory will stay, and if you put back the clock, the memory changes.


o       The input of S=R=1, is not used.  There is a way to ensure that input does not go through.  Solution?  Make S and R complement each other at all times.


·         Consider the circuit below:



·         Now we remove the need for two inputs for 1 data.


·         Therefore,

o       to set the flip flop, S = 1

o       to reset the flip flop, S = 0

      Why focus on S?  Because, R is the complement.


·         Data Storage is normally used using D Flip Flop.


·         D Flip Flop is a 1-bit storage.


·         Bits are stored in a D Flip Flop.






·         An RS-flip flop is rarely used in actual sequential logic.


·         However, it is the fundamental building block for the very useful D-flip flop.


·         The D-flip flop has only a single data input.


·         That data input is connected to the S input of an RS-flip flop, while the inverse of D is connected to the R input.


·         To allow the flip flop to be in a holding state, a D-flip flop has a second input called ``Enable'' – which is the clock.


·         The Clock-input is AND-ed with the D-input, such that when Clock=0, the R and S inputs of the RS-flip flop are 0 and the state is held.


·         When the Clock-input is 1, the S input of the RS flip flop equals the D input and R is the inverse of D.


·         Hence, the value of D determines the value of the output Q when Clock is 1.



v     At A, clock and data are high. Q goes high and stays high until B.


v     At B, clock is high and data is low.  Q goes low and stays low until C.


v     At C, clock and data are both high.  Q goes high and stays high until E.


v     Q does not change during clock pulse D, because clock and data are still both high.


v     At E, data is low, so Q goes low.


v     At F, data is high so Q goes high.


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