Worksheet on Floating Point Representation
1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary:
a. 140.75
b. 36.3125
c. 100.5
d. 77.125
2. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:
a. 100101.011
b. 110.101
c. 110001.1101
d. 10011.0011
3. What is the range for the following twos complement bit representations:
a. 7 bits
b. 9 bits
4. Convert the following to a 4-bit twos complement representation:
a. - 6
b. 5
c. -8
d. 3
5. Convert the following 4-bit twos complement representation to decimal:
a. 1001
b. 1010
c. 0100
d. 0011